DDLT-DONOR-Basic Science Study


DDLT-DONOR-Basic Science Study Group


Burcin Ekser (Indiana University, USA)

Cristiano Quintini (Cleveland Clinic, USA)

TITLE: Early Allograft Dysfunction (EAD) in Liver Transplantation: Is it Valid Internationally?


The objective is to collect high-quality data from multiple transplant centers located in different countries of the world to verify whether the current EAD definition and current published predictive scores are valid internationally to predict graft failures/outcomes and to define possibly new criteria that will be valid internationally with the inclusion of donor variables (THE ISLS EAD DEFINITION).

Primary objective

Verification of EAD (with its current definition) that is valid internationally to predict early failure after liver transplantation.

Since it will be a multicentric and internationally participated study, the definition will apply to all centers.

Secondary objectives

• To define possibly new criteria of EAD which will be valid internationally

• To identify whether EAD predicts early (3-months), 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year graft and patient survivals in an international cohort

STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective

PARTICIPANTS: International multi-center


Patients to be included will fulfill the following inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria:

Inclusion criteria

• All patients with de novo liver transplant either from deceased or living donors from January 2010 to December 2019

• Age ≥18 years old

Exclusion criteria

• Combined liver transplant (liver-kidney, liver-pancreas, liver-heart, liver lung, etc)

• Re-Do liver transplants

• Age < 18-year-old


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